Donate Now

We can’t do it alone

We need your support to help get true community-minded representatives elected to Council. This election is going to be a tough fight and we need your support. We will be up against the major parties and their deep pockets.

Our campaign relies on the support and donations from people like you. Funds raised help power our volunteer-driven campaign and allow us to begin work on brochures, posters, signboards and digital campaigning. 

Restrictions on Political Donations

There are important restrictions that exist when it comes to political donations.

The NSW Government sets out a number of prohibitions about who can donate to a campaign.

If you belong to any of the following groups below, you CANNOT donate to our campaign:

a. a property developer (including anyone becoming a property developer within 12 months)

b. a tobacco industry business entity

c. a liquor or gambling industry business entity

d. a close associate of (a), (b) or (c)

e. any industry representative organisation if the majority of its members are those listed in (a), (b) or (c).

There is also a cap of $6,600 to a political party within each financial year.

And cash donations over $100 are strictly prohibited.

Thank you for your support. 


Can you help us to get true community-minded candidates elected to Council?

Donate via EFT

You can donate via EFT Direct Debit to help get true locals elected to council.

NSW electoral law requires donors to provide their complete street address. So please complete the form below and upon completion you will receive the bank account details to donate via EFT.

Every little bit helps. We thank you for your support.